It's time to think differently about documents and systems.
From lean manufacturing ... to lean documents and lean configuration!
Lean manufacturing has been around for quite some time. Yet, for regulated industries in general and medical devices in particular, the full benefits of lean cannot emerge while the system is burdened with very archaic and non-lean practices.
What is meant by "lean documents?"
It is an approach to the process of creating and revising controlled documents that minimizes waste by providing exactly the information that is needed, at the right time, to the right audience – and nothing more.
What is meant by "lean configuration?"
Configuration is sometimes the last thing on anyone's mind when it comes to a new ERP or QMS software implementation project. Configuration is hard, lengthy, and tedious work. So is testing and software validation. Taking poor paper habits and automating them in a new system simply automates major cost overruns and schedule delays. It could even bring a company to its knees. Lean configuration - a logical extension of lean documents - offers a new way to think about configuring your ERP or QMS.
For prior webinar attendees only (limited access):
Lean Configuration for LDLC Medical
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